Google shows the world how to better compute in the cloud


It’s pretty obvious to anyone following the cloud that Google is a pioneer in the realm of cloud computing, but for Urs Hölzle, SVP Technical Infrastructure and Google Fellow, foreseeing Google’s good fortune was out of the question when he first joined the company roughly twenty years ago.

“We were trying to survive to next Monday,” said Hölzle. “The focus was very short term.”

In the past, Google was concentrating on hardware in an effort to save money, but now the company’s tweaking with software to offset any financial burdens. While many people think about data centers as being physical objects, the biggest challenge facing organizations with data centers is how to make the complex machines useful and understandable for programmers.

This is where containers come to play, Hölzle explained, as Google uses containers to manage the multi-tenant workloads that allow for services like Gmail and the company’s advertisement system…

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Configurar Nexus 7 (2013) cable USB OTG

Aprendiz de todo, maestro de nada

Tienes ya en tus manos tu flamante Google Nexus 7 (2013) y piensas que toda esa potencia y capacidad se puede aprovechar de alguna manera y no se me ocurre una mejor que convertirlo en una herramienta más productiva conectándolo a dispositivos externos.

Mediante un cable USB OTG se puede conectar a un PenDrive en el que tienes fotos, vídeos, documentos, … También podemos conectarle un lector de tarjetas SD o por qué no, un teclado y/o un ratón USB estándar.

No es tan sencillo como conseguir el cable, conectar el dispositivo y funciona. El dispositivo que tenemos entre manos trae lo último de hardware y lo último de software. Es todo tan nuevo que no ha había tiempo material para hacer que todo funcione sin más.

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Manuscripts for the Rich & Famous (Super Bling)!


By Jenny Weston

For the most part, medieval books do not look like this:

Front cover of the Lindau Gospel (© Morgan Library, New York) Front cover of the Lindau Gospel with raised gem stones (© Morgan Library, New York)

But just as some people today add chrome to their cars or gems to their watches or phone cases, some medieval people chose to add ‘bling’ to their books.

Take for example the following Gospel book known as the Codex Aureus or ‘Golden Book’. Made in the 9th century for the Holy Roman Emperor Charles II, the cover of the book is covered with gold, gems, sapphires, emeralds, and pearls.

Codex Aureus of St Emmeram ("Golden Book") Codex Aureus of St Emmeram (‘Golden Book’)

These extremely luxurious book covers are often referred to as ‘treasure bindings’ (for  obvious reasons)!

Because these books were extremely valuable, they were naturally a target for thieves. As a result, only a handful of ‘intact’ examples survive today. It’s possible to see a…

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Un nuevo amanecer…


Amanecer del Último Domingo del 2013!
Last 2013 Sunday Sunrise
Desde mi ventana 6am!
PD: 1er.amanecer compartido.

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